Holy Child Institute

Holy Child Institute founded in the year 1938, is recognized by West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (WBBSE) and West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE), is a Christian minority institution belonging to the Catholic Church, established and administered by the Society of Sisters of Charity of Saint B. Capitanio and Saint V. Gerosa of Calcutta Province.

"No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven" (Mt.5:15-16).

And so with this seraphic and lofty calling was the inception of Holy Child Institute, on the 11th day of June in the year 1938 in a modestly small, rented building at 34/1, Beadon Street with a Kindergarten and Primary school. The Second World War, 1942, however, brought about a temporary shutdown with the sisters vacating the school premises and remaining with the Loreto Sisters till the purchase of a bungalow in 14/1 Convent Road, Entally. At the return of the sisters to Beadon Street in January 1944, another house was rented and the apostolate of education resumed at the new location of 32/1 Beadon Street. The Tailoring and Embroidery classes too, which were started at the end of 1939 picked up the threads in full swing.

On 9th January, 1953, the present premises (known as 1, Abhedananda Road thereafter) was purchased and the exhilarating and solemn entry to the building on 17th June, 1953, by the sisters, together with the teachers and students, created a commemorative milestone to this sacred temple of learning. The community of sisters was set up on 13th June, 1953 education being its chief apostolate. Government of West Bengal gave the recognition of the Primary School with effect from 1st January 1954 and the High School w.e.f. 1st January 1956. The First batch of class X appeared for the Final secondary Board Examination in the year 1957. The school proved itself so efficient in the field of education that it was raised to the status of class XI school in 1960 and continued to send up students for H.S. Exam. In 1976 the Higher Secondary course was suppressed as it was shifted to the colleges by Government policy and Holy Child Institute opted for the secondary level.During these years, every batch produced students with outstanding merits who came out as toppers. The valiant sisters and the dedicated teachers kept the Holy Child flag aloft. The guardians and well-wishers extended their whole-hearted co-operation and support to make Holy Child Institute one of the premier education institutions of Kolkata. More colourful feathers were added to the cap of Holy Child Institute when one of the students secured 3rd position in West Bengal in the Higher Secondary Examination in 1970.

As the periphery of activities amplified with the days, the Lady Brabourne Diploma course and Adult Education programme for the young, illiterate girls, mainly the working domestic help conclave triggered off in 1959. However owing to multiple reasons, the numbers dwindled and consequently, the diploma was discontinued in 2009.

Due to repeated requests and appeals from parents, teachers and the local residents, Holy Child Institute was upgraded to Higher Secondary in 18th July, 2003, and in 2009 the landmark event of the introduction of English as the medium of instruction in the school at the kindergarten level was yet another feather added to her cap. Thereafter the Bengali Medium section was reduced to one. The government of West Bengal granted No Objection Certificate on 26th June 2015 for English Medium, followed by permission from the Board of Secondary Education on 24th May 2016. The first batch of English Medium students will appear for the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education in the year 2021.

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